Izuku Midoriya, son of Inko Midoriya, the current leader of the Shie Hassaikai Yakuza. He believes that the presence of heroes is not enough. Determined to protect Japan, he decides to become something feared. He is kind to those under his care and a benevolent, yet ruthless leader. Alongside his Mother Inko, his Little Sister Eri, and their loyal subordinates, he shall make the world safer - in his own way. In other words: Izuku has the quirk "Overhaul" and helps his mother lead the Shie Hassaikai as her right-hand-man and main enforcer. Kai Chisaki doesn't exist in this au. Inko's quirk is changed to a powerful Telekinesis quirk. The cover is what Izuku will look like hen doing ork for the Yakuza.