The Land Where Songbirds Sing
9 chapitres Terminé Contenu pour adultesBrooklyn had always dreamed of living in the woods. All day she would dream, and imagine herself in the peaceful, tranquil cover of pine needles. But one day, while visiting the woods, she sees a mysterious girl. She kept wondering who the girl was, but when she bumps into the girl once again, this time in the city, the girl has cuts all over her face. Does Brooklyn dig deeper, into this mysterious girl, and find a way to enjoy the woods, or does she leave her be, and never see her again?
Peyton had always loved visiting the city. Whenever she came, she was at peace. Her mother and father would watch behind her with big, happy smiles, as Peyton frolicked around the concrete jungle. But now, her mother is dead, from a chronic and fatal disease. Peyton's father, now surrounded in sorrow, no longer was able to live happily. When Peyton came home one day, a plate was thrown at her face, and towering above her was her very angry father. Peyton has the choice, to either leave the woods to find help, or keep suffering in the aura of her angry father.