Two brothers, Tier, a teenaged boy, and Like, a near adult, are faced with the fateful uprising of a long-lost enemy.
Light vs. Dark, the fighting sport of the gods, is the only way to stop the enemy to save Skyworld and the world.
Like, residing in the Light team, is eventually accosted to a horrible truth that is no easy task for him to take in.
Tier, supporting the Dark team, is to aid his elder brother while discovering the deep, dark history of the sport's past events that led to the present.
With the help of Like's friends on the Light team, Tier's friends on the Dark team, the two brothers will search for a way to triumph along with the power of the goddess of light, Palutena, and her faithful commanding officer, Pit.
As lives are unfortunately lost, will Like and Tier be able to save Skyworld from the deadly threat?
(The °s mean the point of view is changing. Mostly it will change between Like, Tier, and sometimes Pit, but other characters may be involved, too.)
When Pit gives his life on the battlefield to save Dark Pit's, he decides to look into a new Mirror of Truth in order to bring him back. ...He really should have thought things through better.