"...And what of Modern Magic, Harry? Does it not live up to your expectations?"
Harry stared at the guy in front of him, his jet-black hair and green eyes lie dormant in the dark room. Compared to the guy in front of him, whose ash-blonde hair and purple eyes shine in the dark.
"...It is a bit disappointing."
He said as the guy chuckled.
"Hah, it's meant to be 'balanced'. It's bound to laws that differentiate between good and evil."
He says with a gleeful tone, smiling ear to ear with narrowed eyes. Harry scoffed.
"Still, it's useful in a way. How about that Ancient Magic of yours? Any way we can use it to track him?"
The guy nodded.
"Of course, you just have to ask!"
He said with a mischievous smile. Harry then nodded, before closing the book.
"Good. Let's get going then. We only have a few days left."
"Hehe, oh, but of course, dearest Potter~!"
Harry flinched and smirked hearing that.
"Heh, contain yourself, dearest Gray."
What are the fundamentals of magic? Many seems to not know what magic truly is, even the renowned witches and wizards. Magic might be an Art, a Weapon, a Gift, a Curse, anything, really.
But what magic truly is, is just that.
There is no hidden context, magic is magic. Curses are just restrictions, and we know it.
Magic is something that thrives of mystery. If you don't know about it, it grows stronger.
Which is why the First Magician decreed the Deep Magic, to bind magic into the essence of the wild.
But we know the truth.
For I was there when it was written.
And I am here now, where it will be annulled.
The old age of Magic is now gone.
We are entering a new era.
Where magic, is just magic.
Until all, are one.
When Hermione finds Ron in bed with another woman, she runs to the burrow. When she get there she isnt exactly welcomed. There is someone new in the house and she cant put her finger on who he is. When she finally does, she is ecstatic.
Charlie and Hermione havent seen each other in five years. They met at the Quidditch World cup in Hermione's fourth year. They grew close and they shared similar intellectual intrests.
"The burrow!" I yelled and green flames cunsumed me as I was taken to my adoptive families home.
As I stepped out of the fireplace I wiped my tears and knew my eyes would be red and swollen.
"Hello?" i called into the seemingly empty house.
I walked into the kitchen, heading to the kettle for some tea. When I turned the corner, a strong force pushed me against the wall and held me there. I cried out as my back painfully hit the wall. More tears leaked out of my already glossy eyes in pain. The end of a wand was stabbed into my collarbone. I looked up into the cold, but beautiful eyes of a stranger.
He had weasley-like characteristics, the red hair, handsome, the blue eyes. The only thing different was that he had to be taller than all of them. He had stubble as the result of not shaving for a few days and curly hair.
He pushed me into the wall harder and I involuntarily whimpered at the pain, his wand seeking a sensitive spot along my colloarbone.
"Who the fuck are you?"
"Hermione." I spoke definatly, my head held high. He pushed me even further into the wall making me wince in pain.
"Why are you here?"
"Im a friend of the Weasley family. Why are you here?"
"Its not your buissness why im here." The man snarled.
"It is my buissness when your in my friends home!" I drawled back.
"No, you dont live here!"
"Are you inplying that you do?"
"Im visiting my family."