The Foot Clan are now back in Japan to find pieces the shedder's armor and rebuild the demon itself to rule the world forever. its now up Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey and class 1-A to stop them no matter what. chapters 1/2 the prologues 3: off to Japan 4: the Turtles vs the ribbit hero 5: new school 6: foot clan strikes 7: Training grounds 8: Raph Vs All for one. 9: aftermath 10: Splinter comes 11: battle for the armor pt 1 12: Battle for the armor Pt 2 13: battle for the armor Pt 3 14: Shredder Returns 15: learn to fight without quirks 16: the age of mistic quirks 17 Final battle pt 1 18 Final battle Pt 2 19: the next chapter?Alle Rechte vorbehalten