Synopsis: Cleya Prohati is an ordinary high school student. She's an introvert and independent woman. One day her class president Porcha ask her to go to their house to attend their class graduation party. She politely refused but Porcha didn't accept her rejection. In the end, she decides to attend the party since it's the last get-together with her batchmates. During the party, she accidentally meet an unknown guy and they had a small talk and sadly ended when the friends of the guy called him. Cleya watched the guy turn back at her with a lot of friends circling around him. It's just a simple talk however Cleya didn't become uncomfortable around him. She thought they won't meet again but a coincidence happened.. she saw the guy in her new classroom waving at her with a big smile on his face. Cleya thought that it will be another exhausting senior year for her.All Rights Reserved