13 parts Ongoing MatureIn the heartlands of the Empire of Man, home nation to the Cult of Sigmar, a young man named Verraten was born in an old lineage of priests and warriors who had long fought for the Empire's glory and survival. Yet, beneath the surface, Verraten's upbringing was marked by unspoken tensions.
At a young age, he joined the Imperial Army. Driven by ambitions and a desire to find his own path, he quickly reached the title of General, around his nineteenth birthday. This made him the youngest general in the Empire's history, making him the Imperial prodigy amongst the ones of other nations.
But fate is everchanging.
On one fateful day, everything crumbled down, the Empire he bled for abandoned and betrayed him. Now, all that is left is the echoes of voices from beings beyond mortal comprehension while a new journey, with old and new faces, is unveiled before him.
He will walk on a new path. One of darkness, destruction, death, magic and excess while attracting the eyes from beyond. Will he keep his humanity or will the darkness transform him into the monster residing inside?
This is the tale of The Betrayed...