Niki shoots Wilbur a confused glance. Obviously she would know nothing about Wilbur leaving, seeing as last she knew Him and Quackity were enemies of sorts. "What's going on?" "Ok quick version." WIlbur takes a deep inhale. "A year ago me and Quackity were together. I know it's crazy , right? Now a super famous poker player with a rando bar regular? Whatever, a year ago it wasn't like that. He worked in an office and was at an office party late. I went to check on him and see if he possibly needed a ride home and his phone just died or something. I go in only to see him kissing another one of his co-workers. I make a big fucky wucky and leave him crying in the rain. Year later here at the bar, you saw what happened. I stormed out and he followed. He explained that the kiss wasn't consensual on his end and I seem like a big jerk face, But he forgives me because I'm his big jerk face, and as of earlier today i am once again officially his big jerk face. Also I'm getting evicted. " Niki just blinks in surprise, still processing everything she just heard.Tous Droits Réservés
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