"Beyond Love: The beginning" marks the first part of the trilogy depicting the complex lives of Khushi and Shaurya. Khushi lives with her family in Sadhnapur, a small mysterious town hidden beyond the gloomy forests. Having been adopted at the age of five, she has been subjected to brutal unfairness by her family at numerous occasions. But none has been able to break her spirits Until...one day her path clashes with the mysterious, formidable Shaurya. The enthralling tale of discovering untold secrets, irrevocable love and daunting enemity, Khushi and Shaurya venture through a myriad of intricate emotions in the background of a conflicting royalty and spine-chilling hostility. ******* This is my first story on wattpad, so please do support me, and forgive me for any grammatical errors on the way. Love RubyRed
12 parts