Dear Malfoy, Yes, we are on a last name basis again and I think you know why. I can't tell you how mind blown I am that you kept something such as extensive as this secret away from me. I cannot believe I trusted you. You. Out of all the people I had in my life it had to be you. Karma really is a bitch. After everything, you were my first friend at Hogwarts, my first love. Harry never approved of you, and to hell with that, but I gave you a chance when you offered us your hand on the first day. I saw a boy that had potential in being great. That was great. But now you've ruined that. You lied to me, straight to my face. You knew how exhausting it was to be put in endless situations where I have almost been murdered and knowing that you were one of them, breaks me even more. My heart is in shatters. Millions of pieces are scattered on the floor. I don't even plan to tell you what's going on in my life anymore nor where I am or where I'm heading. Oh, and another thing. Thanks for telling me about your fiancé ahead of time. It was great to hear about the marriage from her. When were you going to tell me? Once you were happily married? Or right before you plan to kill me? Congratulations. I wish things turned out different for us. That maybe we would spend the rest of our lives together in that cottage we always talked about. Having 2 little kids running around, one with your hair and my eyes and the other with my hair and your eyes. Scorpius and Antlia. And we would grow old together and I would die in your arms. Not by your wand. I loved you. But I guess I never got that in return. Sincerely, A. PotterAll Rights Reserved