*This novel serves as an interquel that takes place during the 2.5 year gap between the main story of Viper's Bite and its epilogue.*
James Markovsky is an 18-year-old boy from Seattle who is not really interested in academics; the only thing he cares about is breezing through school and chasing his dreams of joining the military, while also pursuing his unparalleled love for fighting and martial arts. His father, Elias Markovsky, is by far the more accepting and supporting of his two parents, but when he becomes one of the many casualties of the Blue Moon Bouquet Club Massacre in 2018 -orchestrated by infamous supervillains The Crawler and Mitchell-it only makes James more determined to achieve his goals in his father's memory. However, he is caught in a violent car crash on the way to the recruitment office. Although he survives, he loses his right arm, and is ultimately turned away and denied the chance to serve as a result, much to his devastation. After a while of unsuccessfully trying to dedicate himself to his mother Susan's security firm instead, he is visited in a dream by the Egyptian god of strength and fertility, Apis, who, in exchange for restoring his arm and granting him immense super strength, charges him with becoming his avatar, fighting for justice and defending the innocent wherever he goes. Once James finds out that a sect of rebels are planning to usurp his mother's company from the inside-led by an individual who appears to hold a grudge against Apis-it's up to him to find out who they are and bring their dangerous plot to a screeching halt, before Lockdown, Inc. is fully transformed into a highly illegal transport channel for the mysterious Avian Wing brothel.
• Cover designed by @Castiment