In their 7th year at Hogwarts, Lily Evans and James Potter fall in love, the Marauders engage in all sorts of shenanigans, people get pranked, and Lily Luna Potter must learn to live back in her grandparents' day.
A tale of time-travel, romance, and adventure, told from the point of view of Harry's daughter.
RATING WARNING: This story is suitable for TEENS and up. There will be quite a bit of swearing, some substance use (mostly alcohol, and certain potions.. which are kind of like drugs, but they don't actually exist), violence (nothing worse than what's in the actual Harry Potter books), scenes of a sexual nature (won't get TOO graphic, but I'll put warnings on those chapters again just in case), and an American speaker's attempts at sounding British (seriously, I try, but I can imagine it's cringe-worthy for anyone actually from the UK, lol).
- At no point in the story do Lily Luna and James have incestuous feelings for each other
"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty."
She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in your hair, Potter? Flobberworm slime?"
~In which Phoebe Griffin and James Potter realize that there is a thin line between love and hate.~
James Potter x Female OC
#1 James Potter-3/2/2021
#1 Marauders-3/5/2021
#1 Lily Evans-3/8/2021
#1 Remus Lupin 3/13/2021
{This is just a fun thing for me to write!! I'm sure I have some messed up facts and things but please be nice. I'm not fluent in French!! It's also a bit of a slow burn. If you want to skip, first kiss is the chapter "7 minutes"!!!!}