I remember his car when we sit in it. Its smells like him. Mint with sweetness. I wish I could inhale this air always. Midway through the drive, he takes my hand and places it on the gear, right below his.
I purposely look at him but he is focused on driving as if holding my hand is normal. I try to fight a smile, to pretend it's nothing new, to act like this all is completely okay, but as soon as he looks at me, I loose the fight and my lips slowly turn into a smile. He goes back looking at the straight road we're driving at and his lips start to form a smile as well. Great I am not alone in this. After a few seconds, he decides to go back again to keeping a straight face and drives with his entire attention on the car and road. I still stare at him, and he lets me. After a few moments, I shift my focus on the scenery and well ignore the butterflies in my stomach, and the heat in my hands. I wonder if I lost the pretend game.
Obviously no one has any idea how hard I tried not to smile. To tell her I want this to be the new normal. Her and I."
(A snippet. Will write the character descriptions soon)