The original idea for this project was to figure out how much land was needed to support a medieval village or a city when worldbuilding and it grew into a whole thing. Please take it and use it as need be.
The idea is to build a Self Sufficient/Survival Garden that will meet the basic needs of a single person. I'll expand everything out as I learn and record more. This whole list is based on a temperate zone's climate. For someone living near the equator or in Alaska, this guide will be less useful. Additionally this guide won't take into account things like water consumption, dietary changes, allergies, difficulties in preserving food, dealing with pests, preserving seeds, dealing with thieves, or even soil management. The entire idea of this is to break down what the yield and square footage are given decent conditions. I recommend reading about square foot gardening, companion planting, farmers almanacs and books on perennials when it comes to finding out more information on all of these.
I have also done much of these calculations assuming the average backyard. Calculating crop yields per 1000 square feet is convenient to me as the average American yard is roughly just under a quarter acre or 10,000 square feet.
If anyone finds any major inaccuracies in this, please submit an edit with a source.