On July 15 2002 a kid named Shaun Lunsford was born . Shaun was the only child until 2010 . His little brother Perdell McClendon was born on June 9 2010 . A year after that he had his first sister named Mai'Essence Mcfolley . About two years after that his third sibling named Mai'Anna Mcfolley . Shaun had a whole lot of responsibility . Shaun had to change his w ays cause he knew that all his siblings was gone look up to him . Shaun was in foster care for about about a year in in that year year he met some pretty decent people . One of those people was the person he called Kayjay . Now he didn't really won't to get that close to Kayjay because everybody he calls family and friends always throw him under the bus . That's exactly what Kayjay did because of his big brother name Raekwon .See Raekwon is Kayjay boyfriend . every time they break up the always talk about each other but then like a day or two later they back together . Then Shaun met Makai Snail .All Rights Reserved