Hi, my name's Maury. I'm 29 years old and I am a lover of love.
Knowing that about me, I think it unfair that the universe made me wait until I was 25 years old to have my very first kiss... and my very first, sorta kinda boyfriend, Gabe.
We're broken up now, and I am hesitating to send him the most truthful message I ever have. Now there's Loic. My second chance at love, but boy is it messy.
In the midst of it all, there's Abidjan, Johannesburg and Congo. My homes... One in which I live, one in which I lost my dad in prison and the Congo...Or should I say the Congos, my origins.
Welcome to the life and times of an African millennial. It's 3 am and I'm a heartbroken lover of love again. Come along on my wild adventures anyway? Unfortunately or fortunately, they tend to be wild and entertaining as well 😅🥴 Once a month, i will be posting a new chapter. See you soon for the first official chapter ❤️