Hakim Hansel, once the epitome of kindness and goodwill, faces a stark awakening to the harsh realities of life. Disillusioned by the notion that his amiable nature guarantees acceptance, Hakim finds himself on a solitary quest for validation and respect. Convinced that only monumental success can win him genuine affection, he sets his sights on a lofty goal: building the nation's biggest media empire.
Yet, Hakim's journey is fraught with unexpected challenges and familial resistance, as his parents advocate for a simpler, more conventional path. Undeterred by their pleas and fueled by an insatiable hunger for recognition, Hakim becomes a force to be reckoned with, a relentless force of nature hurtling towards his dreams. But as he barrels forward, propelled by a fear of mediocrity and rejection, Hakim must confront the toll of his ambition on his relationships and his own sense of self. Will his unyielding pursuit of success lead him to the fulfillment he seeks, or will it ultimately leave him empty and alone in the pursuit of an elusive goal?
Do you know what makes a product rushed?
-It's Availability.
It's the same with a human being, if you're so easy to acquire then you won't be rushed but if you calm down and value your time and most importantly yourself then other people will see just how valuable you are, why?
Because you value yourself.
Miruna is 25years and has only been in one relationship, out of all her friends she didn't have a body to show off, no curves, so she capitalized on three things:
Her face.
Her father's wealth.
Men's lust.
Everyone wants to be the person who cracked this hard and arrogant girl but she never batted an eyelid except one who stood out.
Thabit Ibrahim is 28years, his father has the biggest real estate company in the nation.
He's a practicing psychologist.
Being arrogant and unavailable is Miruna's way of hiding her biggest insecurity, her lack of confidence but what happens when you meet someone who can read your every move, someone who knows your fears with just a glance?
Things are about to get crazy for Miruna and she won't see it coming.
A Short Story By WinterBearz.