10 parts Complete In a world without Voldemort, where Muggle culture permeates the Magical, the awesomeness that is the 90s dominates life at Hogwarts.
This is a story about teen angst, finding love where you least expect it, and the power of music to cure all ills.
Welcome to the magical 90s AU you never knew you needed until now...
Embarking on their seventh and final year at Hogwarts, bookworm Hermione Granger and guitar-toting Draco Malfoy find themselves on the precipice. Tragedy haunts Hermione, while the Malfoy legacy looms over Draco.
It's a mess of combat boots, grunge, baggy jeans, video games and concert tees. But most of all, it's about the music, and the magic of hearing the right song when you need it most.