Peter Parker, a 15 year old orphan, became the vigilante hero known as Spider-Man after bitten by a radioactive spider, he saved innocent people, stopping crimes, and patrolling in New York City, a on behalf of his heroic style, he was a kind and loving teenager, he had friends, being a personal intern to Mr. Stark, and lives with Aunt May, but the Avengers, a hero organization, were suspicious of Spider-Man's actions, it's if he was hiding something from the people, the rivalry had ended with Peter's identity finally revealed after the end of the Civil War..
Later on, he met Wanda Maximoff, a 16 year old girl, also known as the Scarlet Witch, they've bonded together, became friends, and now being a couple, they loved each other as if there was a happily ever
after with them..but there will have no happily ever after without a challenge..
A ruthless, and a antagonistic "hero" named Mysterio had came to Peter's life when he was still trying to experience more of being Spider-Man, he gave him a hell of nightmares that resembles his "future" and warned him that if he continues to be Spider-Man, his death will be possible, whenever Peter trusts this or not, he was making alternative ways to prevent death..
Not only Mysterio was the villain, there were more various villains that will came to the couple's lives, with one of them being dangerous and stronger, because of this, the two have to make life obstacles, while still maintaining their trust each other in order to be together until the end of time, but, will Peter's death be possible in the future?
Find out in the story
Current: Homecoming
Disclamer: All of the characters mentioned in the story were belong to Marvel, with some characters created with my own..
(This is my first ever SpiderWitch story I have ever created)
#1 spiderwitch - June 8, 2023
After Peter had been bitten by a spider and the death of his Uncle Ben, Peter became Spider-man. Living with his Aunt May, going to high school as a sophomore and at night saving the people of Queens from Robberies, Kidnappings and some of Spider-mans enemies.
One day Peter comes home to see his Aunt May shot and killed just like his Uncle Ben. Peter was then taken to an Orphanage where he was neglected by the care takers only a few kids try to help him make it through his time in the Orphanage. But sadly over the time of three months Peter slowly stopped talking, the schools therapist that was in charged of helping Peter to talk again.
Tony and Pepper are wanting to adopt a kid thinking that having a kid will help keep the other's from having another 'Civil war' issue. So that is what they did, going to the closest Orphanage in Queens. When they first lay their eyes on Peter they knew that he was special and that he was the one. Everything was going great but all good things must come to an end.
Will Peter make it out of his depressed state or will he be forever lost in his depression.
I do not own anything except for the story plot and my Oc. All rights belong to their rightful owners. might change it to Mature later on into the story just in case.
Book 1