My name is Mira, I am the youngest girl in the house, and I will tell you my story today. The people are spoiling the youngest at home. They hate me for the greatest hatred, and I always cry because I am young and I cannot stand this bullying. As for my school friends, they are jealous of me, and they bully me and beat me, and I defend myself and kill them, and the director is always me. He beats me............... and I'm crying I get out of school running I'm jealous of my brother who is two years older than me because my mother loves me more and that's why I cry when I see them buying her expensive things Clothes and food, and I don't buy a single penny, but now, when I turned 18, I became strong, and this is how I will tell you who is like me. I give you advice, do not be weak and always cry, stay strong and do not want anyone's love ok ilove you guys by I tell you a saying by one of the wise men, which is as follows: Be strong, as life does not accept the weak. I did like this and you did it ok
No one deserves your tears
عندما تجتمع مجموعة من الوحوش الجائعة على فتاة صعبة المنال تكون النتيجة كارثة بشرية
إغتصاب جماعي وعادات متخلفة وظلم لا متناهي وأًناس لا ترحم
إن كانت السماء تنصف فـ كيف السبيل الى الخلاص على هذه الأرض ؟!!