I get carried away sometimes, its’ like I get caught up in the moment. Like I forget that I am sitting staring at the sky and stay out late just admiring the moon from the roof. Next thing I know, I’ve got a cold. Another example, how many people can honestly say they spent the whole day hallucinating about Television dramas? I sometimes think that I am a character from a make believe world where cute guys fall for the ugliest girls. And then the real world comes around. Ugh, why’s my life so boring!
Every time I get stuck in the hard times, I run away to my room and escape into the lives of other characters, pretending that I live in a world that is just incredible. I get bored with my life, you know that feeling, when you know you can have so much more, yet you deserve so much less. I usually give up when I have that feeling. This is my story.
Have you ever encountered mad love? No, not the kind with butterflies in your belly and a sweet thrill, or even the relationship between two loving hearts. This love is different - it's a poison, it destroys life.
What should you do if the past does not let go? Where can you hide from feelings bordering on mental illness? How do you escape a man who has become your shadow?
No way... It's impossible to escape. It's impossible to hide. Living with it is unbearable.
"You won't be happy with anyone, I won't allow it..."