[Takes place before meeting David]
Y/n was part of a secret division of agents During the 4th Corporate War he was dedicated to a cause that no longer exists. After the Collapse of this division Y/n has been living off the street taking the odd job every now and then to survive.
At the present day, Y/n is in some desperate need of some Dollars so he takes a sketchy job where he needs to take out a Gang leader of some lesser gang.
But during the job he discovers something is wrong when an unexpected when a 3rd party shows up a smaller female with green pigtails Named Rebecca. The two shoot there way out of an ambush and become fast friends.
Now a new Recruit to these so called Edge Runners Y/n wonders if he found a new cause to fight for.
6 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
6 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
People say that Night City was suppose to be this amazing utopia where people with big dreams can come true. But it was all a lie, Once you entered the city you can see it's true color. Out of control crime activity and gang violence, corrupt mega corporation, this city will chew you and your dreams up and spit you out. Leaving you in the darkest corners of the ally.
But all of that will change when this city meets the mysterious man in a rabbit mask armed with the most powerful cyberware in the entire city, taking down big gang leaders. He had one goal in his life and it is the biggest dream out there.
*Note: all characters are 18/20 and over*