Natsu starred wide-eye as the attack intended for him was blocked by a certain blonde. A bit of blood hit his cheek and he jumped forward, catching her before she hit the ground. She smiled up at him softly.
"Guess it was my turn," she coughed a bit. "To save you..."
"Wendy will be here any second, Lucy," he told her. "Don't die yet."
"Promise me something, Natsu," she looked up at him with empty eyes.
"Anything," he held her tighter. "Anything, Luce."
"Never... Never forget me..." She became very cold and stopped breathing slowly.
"Lucy...? Lucy!" He hugged her tightly and screamed into the sky.
Watching her die causes Natsu to make a stupid decision and after her funeral he wishes. Wishes he never brought Lucy to Fairy Tail.
"I wish I never brought her here," he yelled into the sky, in the forest next to the guild. "I wish she were still alive!"
'Saving Lucy.' That's all Natsu thinks about everyday. He needs to save her, but first he has to find her. Follow Natsu on his journey to recover Lucy and everyone's memories of her.