After months of her parents' exhausting divorce, Derya is left with nothing but broken dreams and fears for the future.
Together with her mother, the 18-year-old moves in with her grandmother after the separation, where they quickly realize that every day is worse than the one before.
When her mother finally decides to move to her family in her home country, Turkey, with nothing but a few euros and a single suitcase - and to take Derya with her - a world collapses for the young girl.
Because unlike her mother, the young girl has no connection to this country and knows no one there. She does not speak the language well, she has no friends there and knows nothing about the school system.
And yet she follows her mother to this foreign homeland and thus - jumps into the deep end.
A story about love, youth and finding oneself again in one's own homeland.
Şehvet ve tutku için aşık olmak mı gerekliydi? Atlas Kuzey bekarlığa veda partisinde hiç sevmediği bir kadına dokunarak aslında şehvet ve tutku için sadece aşkın değil nefretin de yeterli olduğunu öğrenicekti.
Atlas Kuzey Seçil Sezgin'le şehvet , tutku ve nefretin içiçe olduğu bir hayata istemeden de olsa adım atıcak , bağımlısı olucaktı.