Misara is a Breton Vampire, wild and free. Decades ago she met and made a handful of very close friends, a band of very own. Together, they enjoyed countless adventures, making more stories together than even the largest library would be able to contain. Sadly, as time went on, more and more eventually left to pursue their own ambitions and dreams. Including one she held very dear to her heart, even if the feeling had never been mutual. Finally, she'd feel the tug of Neloth, The Great Telvanni wizard pull her away from the cold and free tundra that was Skyrim. It was time to accept her place as a new Telvanni member, and accept her newly confined unlife.
However, an old and dear friend is met, the night is young and free, and surely there is more to life than old and fresh wounds. She won't be alone, for there is surely someone who could understand her desires and woes. If, she can earn their trust and.. perhaps more?