One upon a time there was a girl called Jazmin, Jazmin was one of the prettiest girl in all the town , every boy fall in love with her because of her beauty and all the caracteri characteristics she had , she was blond , with big blue eyes, and really pretty .
But there was a problem, she vas vain and the only thing that make her happy was look her self into the mirror every time she can , but she got addicted to her reflection.
One day , Jazmin was siting in the corner of the river just looking at her reflection, she turn and see that in the other corner of the river was a girl siting too , but she wasn't looking at her reflection , she was enjoying the view , she was looking at the flower, at the trees, but something that caught Jazmin's attention was that she wasn't very pretty or maybe not as she and she said to her self
- "Poor girl , if I could give her some of my beauty ,it would be more beautiful then me ? No I don't thing so"
She got up and left.