Pernah denger istilah, "Get out and go touch some grass" ?
Yaps, itulah yang diharapkan oleh orangtua gadis cantik dengan pesona polosnya, Noelle Elkana.
Sejak duduk di bangku kelas dua sekolah dasar, El memutuskan untuk mengikuti pembelajaran di rumah, alias Home Schooling.
Menurut El saat itu, sekolah memusingkan. Mendengar orang lain membuat keributan, suara-suara bising dari kicauan mulut mereka, serta kehadiran teman-teman di sekolahnya yang begitu penuh dan menyesakan, membuat El tidak suka sekolah.
Baginya, sekolah merupakan suatu tempat dimana ia harus mengeluarkan banyak energi sosial, dan El benci itu.
Diam di rumah, itu kesukaannya.
Interaksi sosial? itu membuang tenaga.
Tapi, semua berubah tatkala orangtuanya bersepakat untuk menyekolahkannya ke sekolah umum, apatalagi ditambah dengan kedatangan seorang laki-laki yang mengaku tetangganya ingin mengakrabkan diri dengannya.
Sudah dipastikan, ini semua bencana.
Soon to be Published
Darlene isn't a typical high school student. She always gets in trouble in her previous School in her grandmother's province. She used to be expelled in every School she went to, not until her father decided that she would study in Manila after her grandmother's death, also, to have her new life together.
Left with no choice, Darlene has no idea that her soon-to-be classmates were all boys? Will her classmates sue her out of the class or let her stay, let her be safe because of something? Or maybe while protecting her, there was something behind her? But what more if she finds out who was really her and the reason why everyone wants her?
"Painful Lies, broken past, wrong thoughts, and reasons that I want to know when I entered the Worst Section."
If you all don't want to be confused about what happened from the past, please read TGIWS: The Past.