"Pokémon Adventures: Crimson Chapter"
8 parts Ongoing The story follows the journey of a man named Rein Xanders, who tragically meets his demise in the modern world. Unexpectedly, he is reborn as a female baby in the vibrant universe of Pokémon Special, a world inhabited by extraordinary creatures known as Pokémon. Determined to fulfill a newfound purpose, Rein now as Crimson embarks on a remarkable quest to assist the legendary hero Red and save the beloved characters of the Pokémon Special series.
As Crimson navigates through this enchanting realm, they must grapple with the challenges of their new form and the limitations it presents. Along the way, they forge deep connections with an array of colorful and endearing Pokémon, each possessing unique abilities and personalities. Together with Red, Crimson faces formidable adversaries, solves intricate puzzles, and explores captivating landscapes teeming with both danger and wonder.
However, not all characters can be saved, leading Crimson to confront profound moral dilemmas and wrestle with the unpredictable consequences of altering their fate. Through these trials, Crimson undergoes a profound transformation, not only in their physical form but also in their understanding of courage, sacrifice, and the true meaning of heroism.
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P.S.: I do not own Pokémon nor any existing characters in the game or series, only the OCs.