Chastity of Dark Nights would be some short smut stories of BTS members. Mostly like one shot. Those couples we army's used to ship and some of my imaginary couples too.
Actually, I'm finding some good short stories of BTS members from the last few days. But in the end, decided to write some of my own. My insane mind never could get enough of them, I always want more and more. More varieties, more foreplay, more intensity and so. And for those my loves who thought the exact like me, welcome my loves to our smut world. And sane people kindly leave us alone not giving any hate, please.
Expected couples would be-
1. Namjin (Namjoon+Jin)
2. Yoosoek (Yoongi+Hosoek)
3. Yoonmin (Yoongi+Jimin)
4. Jmin (Jhope+Jimin)
5. Taekook (Taehyung+Jungkook)
6. Jikook (Jimin+Jungkook)
7. Taemin (Taehyung+Jimin)
8. Taekookmin (Taehyung+Jungkook+Jimin)
9. Yoosoekmin (Yoongi+Hosoek+Jimin)
and many more how my needs want...
Do I even need to give warnings? You guys should know what is coming up. Anyway, the use of harsh language, sexuality, harassment, threesome, sex, BDSM, truth and dare everything will be here, like all the fucking arousal things. So, stay prepared babe.