All It took was a perfectly timed run in at the convience store in Tokyo for Katsuki Bakugou to run back into his childhood... friend? victim? He isnt sure whats worse, the fact that he's stuck in Tokyo for the next 2-3 months withe the damn nerd or the fact that he went back to the damn nerd in the first place after the reunion. Maybe argeeing to a night out will help him forget and shove it behind him for the next incoming months. or forever, that works too. ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ Or the accidental BKDK Mpreg that Nova is absolutely going to hell for writing as a coping mechanism after Roe V Wade. She has a first class ticket. She is me. I'm NovaAll Rights Reserved