After flirtatious glances and secret dropped hints, Oliver finally convinced Felicity to at least have a secret and hidden life with him. They were together for about a year before Oliver went off to deal with his family's business with his father, when the ship they were on, the Queen's Gambit, sunk somewhere in the China sea.
Felicity was heartbroken when she heard that Oliver died, but she didn't believe it. Her friends and family urged her to continue, move on, and give up hope that Oliver was still alive.
Five years later, Felicity has before the Vice President of Queen Consolidated, she is in a successful relationship with Ray Palmer, a man that she has come to work with closely and she sometimes works for a freaky crazy psycho man in a green hood that suddenly appeared in Starling City. She saw him on the news and decided to track him down for a trade in company's secrets, but in the process, she learned that he wasn't some vigilante, he was a human being; a hero...
A hero that is deeply in love with her...
When his comrade, John Diggle says that he's putting Felicity in danger by being near her, he stays away, but it's too late. Felicity's kidnapped, and there's only one choice left for Oliver Queen - who's very alive - to make. What that choice is? Well, you'll have to read to find out!
(~Based off the trailer "Blank Space" created by KristinaOrtutova PLEASE COMMENT, THANK YOU!~)
Oliver Queen after spending 5 years on Lian yu returns to star city, to right his father's wrongs.
But, what happens when Oliver is sent by Amanda waller on a government mission to the star city, and besides that, when Oliver simply wanders around in a black hood, spying on his family and when he visits Queen Consolidated, he lays his eyes on this beautiful girl 'Felicity smoak', who was probably blabbing by looking at one of Oliver's old picture with his dad in the office, "You're cute. Too bad you're, you know, dead. Which is obviously a lot more worse for you than it is for me."
What if, Oliver falls in love with this beautiful girl, but due to his mission he chooses not to engage with her, but simply spy on her, But hurts her in return in that process of keeping her safe.