In the Milky Way, Earth's advanced civilization faces imminent collapse fueled by the dual nature of power. Dr. Travis Richards, a scientist, embarks on a fateful journey to the Mojave desert for a secret deal, only to be betrayed and murdered. His son Jacob witnesses the cataclysmic event, marking the beginning of an otherworldly unraveling. A mysterious man in black hints at hidden truths, setting the stage for a cosmic saga of forbidden knowledge and impending doom. Re : In the vast reaches of the Milky Way galaxy, a civilization on Earth teeters on the brink of collapse. Power, both a savior and a destroyer, weaves its intricate web through the tale. A scientific endeavor, a secret rendezvous in the Mojave desert, and a sudden, brutal betrayal unfold. Dr. Travis Richards, a brilliant mind, meets an untimely demise, leaving behind his son Jacob as a witness to the shattering of their peaceful world. As the sands of the Mojave settle, a mysterious man in black with an eyepatch utters cryptic words of apology, hinting at forces and truths beyond human comprehension. The genesis of a cosmic unraveling, where whispers of forbidden knowledge echo through the cosmos, begins its enigmatic journey.