| "He whined and writhed in pleasure and pain, his face scrunching at the unfamiliar feeling, walls clenching down on his fingers. He gasped as stars shone behind his eyelids at the sensation. God. He fucking loves it.
He was so turned on, Vox's moans not helping the case. He was completely ignoring what he was saying, and Shoto did feel a bit guilty about it, but in his defence, his head(s) is long gone." |
Vox's voice turns Shoto on more than anything, so against his better judgment he decides to jack off to it... and everything was fine. Until it became a habit and Shoto found himself getting hot and bothered every time Vox spoke. On call, on collabs with him and other livers, on his solo stream. Shoto would rather die than be caught by the demon red handed, he knew he had to stop before he was found since he was well aware his masturbation sessions were starting to get riskier by the day and he knew it was a matter of time until Vox figured out what was up.
Shit. He's screwed, and not the way he wants to be, that's for sure.