Hi, guys, I hope you are fine because I am. This is my first Transformers story (not my first story in Wattpad, but my first story of Transformers), and now I am about to show you the characters that will be in this story:
(Note: I DON'T OWN ANY OF THOSE CHARACTERS, they all belong to Hasbro, except Spectra and Spectrus who are characters made by and belonging to cthylla-nyctophile)
Tarn & Spectra (The titular characters of this story) (Spectra belongs to cthylla-nyctophile) (Out of character versions made by me)
Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Arcee, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Smokescreen and Ultra Magnus (Team Prime)
Raf, Miko and Jack (minor characters)
Agent William Fowler
Megatron (the main villain of this story)
Vehicons (multiples)
Grindor (Out of character version made by me)
Nickel (minor character) (Nickel belongs to cthylla-nyctophile) (Out of character version made by me)
Posthumous characters:
Spectrus (belongs to cthylla-nyctophile) (Out of character version made by me)
Helex, Tesarus, Vos and Kaon
Alternated universe Decepticons:
Supreme Lord Megatron (OC created by me, inspired by Megatron X from Transformers Cyberverse)
Supreme Lord Megatron's Decepticon supersoldiers (from Megatron X's universe, also based on the Decepticon supersoldiers from Transformers Cyberverse)
To keep in mind: This is just a story written by me. Nothing of what happens in the story is not official nor canon to the Transformers Prime universe, nor the Transformers universe itself. This is just a story written by me.
With no more to add, enjoy my story!
My name is Clover Duck. My mom accidentally took my egg with her on the rocket, and we got stuck on the moon. I've only ever seen the vast nothing of the moon, but the colors on Earth look like they would be beautiful. Mom and I chew a gum called Oxy-Chew that allows us to breathe, and it gives us the nutrients we need to survive. My mom tells me that I have three brothers on Earth, and I can't wait to meet them!
A/N: After A Nightmare on Kilmotor Hill, Clover uses the name Lucky and uses he/him. Please respect that in the comments after that chapter. If you don't, I will block/mute you. I don't tolerate transphobia in my comments.
This story was inspired by 'For Every Action, There is an Equal and Opposite Reaction' by @CartoonsAreGreat here on Wattpad
Start: April 20, 2023
Season 2 end: ??
The art on the cover is my art on a base.