Emissary Brainwave knows that he shouldn't do what he's doing. He knows he's fighting for the wrong side. But, for his own selfish reasons, he doesn't rebel. Spy Blink lives in constant fear of being discovered, not because she'll be thrown in Lumenaria, but because she fears what would happen to her brother. Project Moonlark wants out. She doesn't want to be an assassin fighting for the better of the world, she's just a teenager, after all. And for her, 17 is way too young. Failed Experiment Hydrokinetic just wants to remember. But in the meantime, she's happy ruling Atlantis alone with her friend. Platinado does not want to remember. He is content with his life, but a girl with hair like his keeps appearing in his dreams, yearning for him. Empath wants to be reunited with Biana and with Fitz. He wishes for them more than he ever wished for Sophie Foster. Tinkerer took the mantle of the new Tinker for the Black Swan. He likes his new job but wishes it would go back to how it was. To how it used to be.