The story follows Matsukaze Kousaku (松風神燦紅) and Inamori Akiyo (稲森明世). They are both willing the change the world into good, but what is the right method? When Inamori-san finds out that many criminals are suddenly depressed, ending it all, she realises that someone may be at fault for this. But who? When Matsukaze-kun finds out that police was alerted, he realises that he needs to put on a mask to not get caught by the troops led by his father. But how? Will good win? What is "good" though? Do we even know what's good and what's bad? What's justice and what's crime? ----------------------- so, as a note, i have a very important exam this year (for entering high school), loads of homework and very little time, which means i wont update soon :(