Cordelia Spellman, a seasoned witch in the shadowy town of Greendale, lives with her eccentric aunties, her mischievous twin brother, and her half-blood cousin, who is about to officially embrace her witchcraft. As Cordelia navigates the tangled web of her family's unique choices, her role as the family's protector becomes increasingly complex.
#Please note that Ambrose and Cordelia will be blood-related with the rest of the Spellman family in my book. I know there's theories that he was taken in as a child, but I'm changing the family history a bit for plot purposes.
I do not own any rights to the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Spellman series and books. I do not own any characters, dialogues or story lines which appear in said universe. All rights go to the individual creators (Archie Comics, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa etc.). I am only responsible for plots and characters of my own creation.
We had stayed in Greendale with the Spellman family who just learned that the cause of all the bad things that happened in those days is Sabrina.
Their beloved Sabrina who 15 years earlier, following various events, makes the decision to definitively abandon the city that she saw her grow up to become the dreaded queen of the underworld that everyone knows today.
But she will soon be forced by unexpected events to return there.
Meanwhile in hell Sabrina after seeing her great old love again was caught off guard by an illness and is knocked unconscious. All the guests at the reception stop to stare at the scene with concern.
Even Rosalind, former best friend of the protagonist, is bad these events will be linked together in some way?