After Wukong saves MK from macaque after figuring out MK two-timied him with another mentor which was the biggest betrayal Wukong has ever had he decided he was going to go finish Macaque and make sure he doesn't come back from the dead this time. When he finally finds Macaque he is the one being pinned down and beaten up but when Macaque stops and is crying about how its unfair and how much he wishes he could kill Wukong but he just can't Wukong notices that his memory isn't as good as it seems especially when he never recalls killing Macaque. The last thing he heard is they got in an argument and Macaque went to fight some demon and that demon killed him. Wukong even remembers killing that demon to get revenge for Macaque. So why isn't Macaque's story matching up? Why can Wukong barely remember anything about Macaque being in his life? What did he do? Wukong Point of View Smut Shadowpeach Wukong x Macaque Short StoryAll Rights Reserved