Izuku Midoriya. A second year in highschool who, despite being bullied and tormented everyday, has a pure heart of gold. Things get worse for the young boy as his mother becomes diagnosed with a highly lethal disease and his abusive father continues to worsen his life. One day, however, he goes to live with some of his relatives in the US. As Izuku prepares to leave, his friends throw a suprise going away party. As the teens party, a large earthquake appears out of nowhere, becoming the start of a night of horror for the young boy and his friends.
A lot of sensitive topics are going to be presented in this story. If you have sensitivity to abuse and gore, then I recommend skipping this story. Love you guys.
I do not own MHA, Cloverfield, Half-Life, Portal, images, music, or gifs. All rights reserved to their respective owners.