It's a typical day at the cave. Then the team gets called in for a mission. All they know is that a group of villains is having a meeting about some weird device (but the team doesn't know exactly what it is and that is what they need to figure out). But they get caught and use Nightwing to experiment with the machine and that's when a whole bunch of people come out. But the thing is, they all look somewhat similar to Nightwing! Two of them look like owls (one is Talon from Earth 3 and the other a Talon from the Court of Owls), One has a suit that looks eerily similar to Deathstroke's suit (Teen Titans), and one they think actually is Deathstroke(I just made this one up)! And another one has fangs like a vampire (DC vs Vampires)! And now all the Nightwings are working together with the villains! (Good versions of Nightwing will come later)All Rights Reserved