A kobold marked as prey. A goblita marked as a sacrifice. A noble Cu guardian now made exile. A Lamassu sister questioning her place. An ogre scholar thirsty for answers. A Dwarf who has forsaken all. These six souls, disconnected and worlds apart, cannot know that destiny guides their path. The great elder Redhook calls to them with silent words in the hopes that they may at last bring forth peace. In the wake of the extinction of the Dragons, blood feuds of every kind have erupted, worsened by the fearsome dire beasts what desire destruction. What is it that each brings that may bring about this next golden age foreseen by the elder, and what dark secrets loom just beneath their feet? More than that, are the dragons truly gone, or do they merely wait to avenge themselves in secret? So turns the wheel of fate as a gaggle of strangers must pull together and pray that they may succeed. Always praying. Always seeking. Cover art by https://www.deviantart.com/altairsky