Set directly after the events of The Flash, Season 5, Episode 18, Godspeed, the story picks up with the West-Allen Family divided. After Barry leaves Nora in the future, him and Iris have a falling out, while Nora deals with the consequences of her actions in 2049. Before long, Zoom, Savitar, and Godspeed arrive to wreck havoc on Team Flash and The West-Allens, while an even greater threat continues pulling strings in the background. Things quickly escalate, and soon Barry and Nora are forced to face their inner demons, and the consequences of their own actions, before the villains' plans come to fruition.
"I do not own these characters or images, only this story"
Nora West-Allen travells back in time to spend time with her parents before everything got messed up. Her life turned upside down, her mother and father married different people and she felt like she was in the middle. Even the slightest chance of seeing them in love would bring her joy, so she visited the timeline when everything was normal to her. Unknown to her, her sisters followed her behind.
Will they mess up some of Nora's plans? Or will Nora find hapiness within the family that she already has?
The story is mostly about the Allen sisters and includes Westallen and Snowbarry.