Hi everyone Moon here. This is an idea I came up with. Oh before I forget. I haven't played Undertales. So I'm sorry if I don't get the personalities and other stuff right 😅, but anyways here's the story description... Frisk used the reset button, but it glitched and instead of resting like normal. Everything reset to something new and different. Sans, Papyrus, and the other Monsters however were brought along too. Frisk was not sure what was going on and where they were. Until she and the others found a abandoned Mansion that was huge and had enough room for everyone. However when they entered they found some kind of ghost monster already living there. Frisk feels like she's seen this creature before but can't place where. So she and Sans went up to it to speak to it. But they were put into battle with the Monster. However the Mercy button was gone and was replaced with a Catch button and a Run button. This both confused and worried both Frisk and Sans. Sans looked at the Monster and asked it a question... "Hey friend? We don't know what's going on and where the heck we are. Can you please help us?" Sans asked, the Monster look at him shocked. "You can speak pokémon?" It asked, everyone looked in confused except Frisk. "Wait pokémon!? No wonder everything here looks familiar!" She explained, Everyone looked at her with a questioning look. "Ummm... My child what's Pokémon?" Queen Toriel asked, everyone else looked at Frisk. "It was a video game that I had used to play back in the Overworld. I was basically a huge fan of it before I fell in and you found me." Frisk said, she then explained.All Rights Reserved