"Galactica Days of Trinity" is an epic science fiction novel set on the distant planet Alantus. The story revolves around the enigmatic Trinity, an ancient order of Norgs who serve as the oracles of the chaotic goddess Diniir. Amidst a struggle between good and pure evil, the Trinity faces a daunting task that may determine the fate of entire worlds.
As the plot unfolds, Alantus faces a grave threat-the imminent extinction of an entire planet or the tragic loss of an innocent child. Hidden behind this looming catastrophe lie a myriad of unrevealed secrets, each holding the potential to ignite a devastating world war.
Caught in the midst of this cosmic turmoil is Lumark, a young and unsuspecting Norg. He finds himself unexpectedly thrust into a position of great responsibility, one for which he feels woefully unprepared. Through his journey, Lumark must grapple with ancient prophecies, navigate the complexities of power and chaos, and confront the darkness within himself.
As Lumark embarks on a perilous quest, he must seek wisdom from the Trinity, whose existence blurs the lines between life and death. Guided by their cryptic visions, he unravels a web of mysteries that transcend time and space. But the ultimate question remains: Can Lumark, in his pursuit of truth and redemption, prevent the impending catastrophe and avert the world war that looms on the horizon?
"Galactica Days of Trinity" is a riveting tale of self-discovery, sacrifice, and the eternal struggle between light and darkness. The novel weaves together intricate plotlines, captivating characters, and thought-provoking themes, creating an enthralling and unforgettable journey through the vastness of the cosmos.
The Subway (Now Available on Amazon!) (Unedited Version on Wattpad)
38 parts Complete
38 parts
~ AVAILABLE ON AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/dp/164434193X ~
She hated riding the subway.
It was cramped, smelled, and the seats were extremely uncomfortable to sit on for hours on end.
Now add a group of crazy mask-wearing, weapon-wielding, maniacs to the ever growing list of reasons why Gemma hated riding the subway.
Gemma Conners is your average eighteen year old and for the past two years she's been riding the subway to and from school with no problem. She always expected the same ol' same ol'. Cramped spaces, hard seats, and perverts staring her up and down and "accidentally" bumping into her and blaming it on the train as it jostled people into one another.
Never did she expect a group of masked men to rush in and hold everyone onboard hostage, demanding that they all play along with their sick and twisted idea of a "game".
It was either that or die.
To add on to her ever growing list of problems, one of the passengers onboard just so happens to be Archer Daniels, your typical high school "heartthrob" and Gemma's classmate. Her day just kept getting better and better.
With Gemma's luck, she'd be lucky if she lasted five minutes.
Yep. She really hated the subway.
*Book Cover Credit: Irah Marie* Thanks again for making such an AMAZING cover!❤️