Since the battle with the Red Death, Viking and Dragons lived in harmony, thanks to two misfits: a scrawny boy named Hiccup, and the mightiest species of dragon known to Vikings, a disabled Night Fury called Toothless. Once the duo defeated the madman Drago Bludvist, their friendship became stronger than ever.
Now, accidentally travelling through a tear in time, they must fix the future when the pair's presence changes their past from five years ago, when they found each other in the woods.
Without their friendship, Valka remains dead to Berk. Without their friendship, the great, winged beasts remain enslaved by the Red Death. Without Hiccup and Toothless' friendship, the peace between Vikings and Dragons is non-existent. This is the story about an unexpected bond between Viking and Dragon. This is the story about Hiccup and Toothless.
What if Hiccup wasn't all alone before he found Toothless ? What if his tribe had found and adopted a lost boy with strange white hair ?
Hiccup only live to become one of his viking tribe. However, the day he is given the possibility to do so by killing the most dangerous of all dragons, he has to make a decision that will change his life forever.
This is a Hijack/ Frostcup AU. boy x boy. Don't like, don't read. English is not my main langage.