The death theories are hypothesis that relate to dreams and nightmares. These theories were made by baby moth, a psychopathic moth rag dragon that is the twin sister of baby Bonet,her little sister. There are three theories:
Nightmares sometimes appear continuously because of your fear towards them. Which causes you to think about them more.
Nightmares aren't living things, but they somehow feed upon your fear,as you fear more,the scary things in them often become more scary.
Strangely, dreams increase the chance of a nightmare showing up the next time you sleep,days or a day after your last dream or nightmare,or uncommonly, while your daydreaming.
This poem isn't just between Moth and Bonet,the names of the other psychopathic twins are mentioned, their in there too!Even Bonets other brother and other sisters are trapped in the psychotic twins nightmarish wonderland!In fact,their with her right now,enjoy the poem reader(s)!
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Gracias <3!
Créditos a quien corresponda por todos los personajes utilizados, a excepción de _______.