A quiet morning. The sun just peaking out it's head over the edge. A few birds starting their day and man with hair like the sun but with the length of a river starts his own. Dark hall with an open door as his own door shuts. A flip of a light switch and a swing of a cabinet door. Kitchen utensils clang as their moved and a flame flickers to a start. A girl with the rebalance of the moon lays inside the room with the opened door. She opens her eyes to reveal bright sleepy rubies. While two men stay behind closed doors and under covers. Her eyes stay on the music box on her nightstand as it was left opened. A click and a click and a click can be heard as the key winds itself up. The music had stopped provoking the whispers of the lil moon girl "Do it again!". And as the clicks from the key started again so did the questions from the curious girl. With the clicks came a squeak from the window and a whisper of a greeting from the wind. At this the man with hair like a sun ray started getting concerned for the little girl. Wondering who she was talking to that would require the window to open. Before the murmurs could be explained as innocent playing, she had always talked with her dolls. But her dolls wouldn't need a window opened. "Eri, who are you talking to?" Called the man from the hall. He soon appeared by the door a look of worry and confusion on his face. The girl answered with a smile... "My new friend." Cover edited by me but the drawing of Killua was done by sevkyl on DeviantArt All credit to cannonly related things of mha and hxh goes to their respective creators.All Rights Reserved