Yatagarasu: The Flawless Wings
In a world teetering on the edge of the extraordinary, two orphans, James Elliott and Layla Valentine, live sheltered lives within the confines of the Brooks Family Mansion, an orphanage with a dark and mysterious past. James, a hyper-analytical dreamer, spends his days writing stories, while Layla, fearless and driven, yearns for a taste of freedom beyond the mansion's gates.
When a daring escape leads them to uncover a grisly secret-a man conducting rituals to summon a powerful spiritual entity-their lives spiral into chaos. A fateful encounter with a glowing, otherworldly force not only unleashes thousands of spirits upon the world but also grants James and Layla powers they can't fully understand-or control.
As they wrestle with their newfound abilities, the two are thrust into a dangerous web of mystery and betrayal. Their paths cross with Tyrus Wilson, a tortured soul whose own tragic past drives his obsession with resetting time, no matter the cost. Promising to restore what James and Layla have lost, Tyrus tempts them with an impossible choice: join him in rewriting history or risk everything to stop him.
Set in a modern world brimming with hidden secrets and supernatural forces, Yatagarasu: The Flawless Wings is a gripping tale of friendship, sacrifice, and the haunting question of how far one would go to escape their pain-or embrace it.