•[oneshots]• Rip Clayton "Now let's all agree to never to be creative again!" "Time is a tool you can put on the wall or wear it on your rist, the past is far behind us the future doesn't exist" "Don't touch MEEeEeEe!" "EvEn MiChAl!" "WHATS THAT? A PIZZA SLICE! YOUR BETTER OF WITH PLAN WHITE SAUCE!" "DrEAMS ArE A mOVIS tHaT lIvE In YoUR HeAd" "What you wanna do nothing? Nothing at all? A big guy like you?" "Wow..I didn't like that.." "That's right Lilly he's almost part of the family.." "The way I look..?" "IM NOT GOING BACK TO THAT HOUSE!" "That could be an electric chair!"