Hayley has now been in America for about 2 years now and she couldn't be happier. Firstly because she shares an apartment with her gal pal Ashley. Secondly Louis' band One Direction are HUGE and I couldn't be happier. Thirdly she loves her job at sea world. Fourthly Ashley L.O.V.E.S One Direction, but she doesn't know about Haley's past with them. Fithly She found out One Direction are in America. Hayley's life has been nothing of the ordinary for two years and she was practically having the time of her life at sea world, with the great people, the amazing animals and don't forget working with her amazing gal pal Ashley. Ashley decides to go clubbing one night and the next morning is nothing of the ordinary, all until Hayley goes downstairs. This IS the sequal to My room mates annoying friend, mainly because I love that story and I love writing it! So I hope this is just as successful as MRMAF because it'll be just as good, so join Hayley in her not so ordinary life in My room mates boy friend.